
Question 7

Question 7

How did i evolve from a timid anti-social person to who i am now?

This question can be answered in steps. Contrarily to what one might think, the changes weren't very gradual but were set by definite events.

Stage 1: timid, anti-social: 4 years ago.
15 years old, not popular, shadowed by a brother (who is reading this :P but hey, it _was_ true) and knows nothing about women whatsoever.
Then, i met Ashley, who would eventually come to be my first girlfriend.
It was not hard to relate to her, we both had... "different" tastes, and i overcame my timidity of her that way.
She was very much a "screw the world and society if they don't like you" kind of person, and i adopted that attitude from her, since i did not really have one of my own. I learned to care less about what society and friends thought about me... and to my great surprise, people started liking me more when i tried to please them less.
I was no longer quite as timid, although definitely still quite antisocial.

The next step was upgrading my confidence. Looks matter.
No matter what they say, looks matter.
I WILL however emphasize that it's about feeling good in your skin than looking good in comparison to the norm.
A person that thinks they look nice will be less awkward, and act more naturally around members of the opposite (and similar) sex. Through this boost to their confidence, their charisma and social outlook will also change, making them that much more sociable.
Now i'd never been proud of my appearance before, not even with Ashley. I wasn't ashamed of who i was, but i didn't like the way i looked. I didn't feel handsome, or even average.
That all changed when i went to Japan. Feb 2007.
Suddenly i caught people looking my way (of both genders) and the attitude of some towards me finally made me feel... wanted. Accepted as being above the norm. I qualify much of this to my skin color, racial stereotypes that white people are nicer (as portrayed in japanese movies) and general curiosity but still. Still. It gave me that confidence boost that i needed so badly and completely and radically changed my life.
Haha, now i'd say i'm fairly confident about everything in life from my future to my job to my life in general, except for love. Ah, treacherous thing.

So yes. That's how i changed to how i am today, mostly, with small refinements from friends along the way.
If you're in the slump that i was in, here's my (not so serious) advice.
1- Get a rebellious girlfriend.
2- Go to Japan. You'll love it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Meh, my story has somewhat of a similar twist which involves giving less mind to what other people think. As for overshadowing you, did you think it was intentional? I remember a lot of resentment towards me on your behalf.