
Question 4

Question 4

I you were told right now that you had a twin but he/she died before he/she could totally develop - how would you feel?

I think i would have to live through it to give a fully convinving and honest answer.
But i'll just answer it as i am now, which will probably give more of a look into my character than actual truth.
It's fairly interesting, and some would say disturbing, but yes, this is honestly how i would react.

1) If the twin was male.
I wouldn't care too much. I would be kind of shocked that no one had told me this before, but i would not feel any regrets. Maybe a little curiosity.

2) If the twin was female
I would feel sad. In fact, i feel sad right now thinking about it.
I must honestly say that i've a fascination with the female side of things. Perspectives, habits, thoughts. Not to make them my own, but to garner a deeper understanding of them. I have at times wondered what it would be like to be female. I have at times wished that this were the case. And of course i know that's impossible... but if i had a twin sister, i would take great care of her. I would try to take her pain and protect her (but not to the point of overbearingness, as is seen in so many movies/anime) She would be who i could not, and would do what i can not. She would be a living incarnation of the other side of my mind. We would be close.
I miss her.

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