
Burned. Ethereal. Disjointed. (1/3)

The view was beautiful...
A delicate azure blue ocean, stretching from one side of his vision to the other, the light paned window barely able to contain his gaze within the room. Trees softly swaying back and forth in a gentle breeze, and the fresh smell of the ocean's air.
He turned around, brushed his long wavy hair away from his eyes and contemplated the inside of the room. The early morning's light coming through the window was just enough to make out a few details. The tall rattan wood closet pushed back against the right wall, the small flat table with a currently unused lamp, and of course, her delicate shape, resting on the bed.
He walked over in a few easy but quiet strides, gently sat down on the bed near her, and pushed the hair away from her face, looking down at her in a silent adoration.
He didn't understand why she was here. Why she was his.
He softly combed his hands through her hair and kissed her closed eyelids before reclining down besides her, content just to watch her sleep.
Time slowly lost track of him, or did he lose track of time? Nothing mattered anymore but the steady rise and fall of her chest, the only current proof that this person for which he lived half of his life was with him in that moment.
Another kiss, another touch, another prolonged look at her beautifully chiseled features.
Eternity could be spent like this.


The needle hurt as it pierced the already fragile skin.
The drugs took the edge off, but he never seemed to remember how painful it was. The drugs went in, the needle came out, and then his consciousness left as well.
Euphoria at it's price... the only one not worth paying.


She looked at him.
The room was silent, the screaming stopped.
All that was left was the look in her eyes, as her soul silently broke.
Nothing more was said. She sat down, he left.


He would do anything for that smile.
Another bad joke, another embarrassing story.
She was walking away now, talking to her friends, but she never left his sight, nor his mind.

(taken from a true letter)

3 seconds.

I focused on you, on the intonation of your voice, the shape of your mouth as it formed it's words, your happy expression and the way your hair flowed up and down. The angle you maintained with me as you walked past, the way you clasped your hands together in a graceful thank you. The clothes you were wearing, and that smile...
And then you were past me, and i paused in my steps.

1 second.

I stopped and tried to memorize everything i had just seen and felt.
It was worth it. That was my reward. That was my happiness.

1 second

I turned around and watched you walk away.
Smiling to myself.


Thank you.


It had been 2 hours.
She didn't come down for him... she never came. On his knees and fists, he stared down at the ground right below him and mentally smashed his fists into the marble. Again. Again. The blood flowed... Not out of his hands but out of his heart.
He was cut. destroyed. devastated.
Abandonment at a time like this? Ending up alone the night that he had planned his very first kiss?
He collapsed in the pool of his soul's blood, drowning in the agony of indifference and incomprehension. Didn't she care? Didn't she know?
Where was she? Why wasn't she there, by his side, apologizing for the pain that was nearly killing him?
The tears came. Like acid rain they fell and destroyed all that was left of him, leaving nothing but the shell of who he had been just 2 hours ago.

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