
Question 2

What are my principle goals in life?

I coined this set of phrases recently which i think covers it pretty well.

Social is an art, and people a canvas.
Friends are successes. Enemies, failures.
Love is a masterpiece,
and God is the reason why i paint.

Life is simple: Maximize your success, minimize your failures. Strive to accomplish a masterpiece, and never forget why you started painting.

I think it's pretty self-explainable. But since the point of these notes is to be comprehensive, i'll give a little background to it.
My life revolves around 2 things: God, and people. Money and quality of life do not enter the equation at any major level. Of course i'd love to have a well paying job, but i wouldn't mind a humble life. I want what's best for my family, and that may be the money --- point being not what amount of money it is, but WHY i'm getting it.
I want what everyone wants: happiness.
A lot of people equate: money = happiness.
Or Money = nice house = hapiness.
or Money = many possessions - hapiness.
Or any other variant that BEGINS with MONEY = and ends with Happiness.
My principles goals are all fueled by: People =
People = friendship + love + money + service + time + smiles = happinness.
So even if i'm poor, as long as i have friends, love, enough to survive, people to rely on, people that can spend time with me, and smiles i'll be truly happy. Even living in a trailer park with no possessions.
Careful hmm? It's so easy to love money.
My other main Goal is to serve God faithfully.
Without God, what's the point? Why live a successful life if when you die, you die? Life is about so much more than enjoying it, we have a purpose to fulfill... and all true christians understand that. It's not a chore although it may be difficult at times. I am but a servant, and i hope to make my God proud :)

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