
Question 13

Question 13

What fortifies me?

I was asked to answer this question in a secular way, without reference to God. So, i'll just state that he is part of the answer, and elaborate on the rest:

Encouraging comments.
Facebook posts.
Friends around me.
Love of someone ->

Hope would be the greatest encouragement.
Generally, the hope of possibility. No matter how bad a fix i'm in, i strongly believe that there's always hope. There's always a way out... And as long as i can believe that there's an answer to the problem, somewhere, anywhere, i will continue living.
Situations that seem to have no resolution, i will push to resove.
One could say that i have "faith" in "hope".
[with faith here meaning, i quote: "complete trust or confidence in someone or something"]
The link isn't always strong and hope does not always shine brightly, but i believe it'll always be there. So no matter how distant, hope will guide and fortify me.

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