
Question 12

Question 12

Why am i not afraid of sharing my mistakes?

Everyone makes mistakes, and it's an integral part of growing up. Of learning. An essential step on the way to maturity.
The way that people "grow" is simple.
They make mistakes,
they aknowledge their mistakes
they strive to understand why it was a mistake
they learn from their mistake
And finally they avoid making the same mistake the next time.
Some mistakes are more embarrassing than others, some deal with tabboo issues like drug use or sexuality... there are many reasons why people would choose to hide the mistakes they've made, even if it's a normal process. No one wants to be judged on something they've done in the past. It's human to always try to expose the best part of yourself for the outside world to see.
To my readers, of course i want to seem like a good person. But above that, i want to be seen as a person of integrity. So i lay out my faults along with the rest because i know you will trust me more. Even if what i say is not always correct, you will know that it is what i consider to be the truth. Or perhaps you will see your mistakes in mine and sympathize. Or know that i understand what your problem is.
I may lose a little respect, a little idealism.. but it's a small price to pay for a person's trust.

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