
Question 9

Question 9

Do i have any kind of discriminatory system going on? Classicist, elitist, racist, sexist, homophobic?

Again, a difficult question disguised under an easier one.
I would think: "No. Plain and simple, no." But taking all things into account...
Classicist? Definitely not.
Racist? Hah. No.
Sexist: If anything, people could accuse me of being slightly sexist to the benefit of women, not their detriment.
Homophobic? No. In disagreement with the gay lifestyle but definitely not homophobic.
Elitist? Ehhh.....
So maybe a bit.
I like class. I like power. I like people dressed in crisp suits and women wearing cocktail dresses. I always feel at home in the lobby of a 4 or 5 star hotel... It's hard to describe, but i feel very, very.... at peace there. Like i belong.
More than illusions of grandeur, i think i have what it takes to make it in this world, and i would like to think that i will.
I admire higher society a great deal while remaining skeptical of their lower points. It's easy to think "i'm not going to fall into that pattern, right?" from down here, but i will have to remain vigilant.
Ignorant people frustrate me. I make an effort to get along well with any and everyone, but ignorance makes it hard. I may at times consider myself above them (not in a racially or humanly superior sense but socially)
It's interesting. I admire the elite for their ability, but am ashamed of their behavior. I want to be the other one up there, the one who makes it and remains integral. They exist, but are considerably fewer. I'll have to make a real effort... And i will need my friends to keep my mind down here.
So yes, my fatal flaw. I'm kinda cocky and i think i'm better than you most of the time. I think i'm more mature than other people in my age range and may show frustration at being stuck at this level due to age.
No one's perfect, and that's why i need you, my friends (and random blog readers) to keep me realistic by showing me my flaws.
I want to be perfect of course. So point out the problem and i'll try to work on it. You've been warned though: i'm proud sometimes and i know it.

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