
Question 8

Question 8

How do i deal with cliques, and integration into them?

Cliques... i've always kind of hated the word ever since i found out what it meant. What's the point of having a group of friends that you would restrict yourself to? In some other cases, what's the point of surrounding yourself with only like-minded people?

I do not belong to a clique. Or perhaps you would say that i belong to several, making no distinction of the invisible lines traced by others.
I try to evaluate people on a case by case basis. Your friends are not my friends, and your enemies are not my enemies by default. I may be given a positive or negative outlook from your perspective but i will still attempt to treat a person fairly when meeting them for the first time. [There are, of course, exceptions to this. If a girl tells me that her ex is a asshole without further justification, i will carry a negative conotation of this person but still give him fair treatment when meeting for the first time. my friend is obviously fairly biased, and perhaps it was simply a misunderstanding between them. IF however the same situation repeats itself and it is known as fact that he cheated on her, i will give him no respect as he deserves none. This is not due to personal bias but in respect to the person himself and his past documented actions.]
Integration into cliques is easy. Far easier than believed, probably.

Cliques are just groups of people that feel comfortable together.
Although people like that feeling of familiarity, it is almost never the case that a person who fits well with everyone else in the group is not able to join it. Makes sense, doesn't it?
To join a clique, all that is needed is social sense as well as a little effort on your part.
People want friends.
Friends are made through connections.
So get connected. Find something relevant to talk about. Take safe topics.
And by "safe" i don't mean things that are non-emotionally related.
by "safe" i mean things that people naturally have a strong opinion of.
Sex (but be cautious when using this one though, depending on who you're talking to and how open they are. Note, this subject is far easier to bring up amongst a group than one on one: can be extremely awkward and mar the potential connection perhaps beyond repair)

Talk to everyone, when one person of the clique sees that you are comfortable with more than at least one other person there, they will likely open up to you. The more people in the clique accept you, the faster the others will want to know you too.
The beginning's the hardest part, but once the initial victory is won it's very simple and a matter of just being someone that they would want as a friend. I'm gonna write another entry on how to do that later though.

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