
Question 10

Question 10

Do i like to observe things from an outside point of view, and then think of the in a deeper tone?

Huh, this is one strangely formatted question.
But yes, i do.
Umm... i like to think of the reason behind things. Or other possibilities. Or imagine what could have happened.
I like to observe a [emotional] situation unfold between two people and predict what he or she might have done to arrive at a happier ending.
I observe, i think, i learn, and then i try to help the next time.
I like to watch couples and predict whether or not they'll be together in a few years. In many years. Or... in a few months.
I like to observe how a couple may appear happy but are letting subconscious signs of discontent slip out and learn from them without interrupting.
I like to watch balloons and theorize on how much weight should be attached to the other end to create a perfect vertical balance.
I like wondering if all people actually saw different colors to which humankind has commonly attributed names. I like to wonder about how this theory would fit in with the concepts of gradients and light, and whether or not it could make sense.
I wonder similarily about taste and if the same fruit could mean two different things to different people, while maintaining the same nouns.
I like to sit in a dark room and talk to myself strange things.
I like wondering if i may be a little mentally off-balance after sitting and talking to myself in the dark for thirty minutes.
I used to like cutting myself with sharp objects, but only when i was absolutely certain that i was emotionally stable. I wanted to experience what it would feel like to do such a thing, while being reassured that no serious harm could come to me, or that i could not lose control of the situation.
I like typing notes like this, trying to explain who i am.
I like appearing "not quite normal" while also trying very hard to integrate myself into the lives of others.

I like doing many normal things for deeper reasons. Or seemingly deeper reasons.

Most interestingly, i like wondering whether or not other people go through this process.
I like wondering what you're thinking after having read this.

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